On page 20 of the November, 2012 issue there is a letter with the title “Missing Cunningham?” I would like to respond to the writer, Michael Jacobsen to clarify the record. First, the photo that appears is of a Cunningham C-3 Vignale Coupe, which appears to be #5224, which is owned by Miles Collier. The Irving Robbins car was one of the three (3) C-2R racecars and it had the chassis #5104 and engine#20-1005. In referring to the Jim Sitz letter that appeared in the September, 2012 issue on page 20, we agree with him that the car was heavily damaged in a racing accident, but it would have to be after the Watkins Glen 1952 races. We would like any information about the race and date where the car crashed, and ownership history from 1953 to the present. Below is what we know:
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