I was out walking the other day, and tripped on a grate in the pavement and fell hard… down hill. As I was regaining consciousness, a neighbor stopped her car and asked me if I wanted a ride back to my house. I accepted gratefully. My doctor assessed my swollen face and blackened eye and told me I needed to go in for a scan to make sure I hadn’t scrambled my brain even more. And I was also told not to drive myself to the hospital. That’s when another neighbor, Bob Birdsall came to my rescue. He voluntarily takes local people who can’t drive themselves to their medical appointments.
While we were on our way, we started talking about my favorite subject. He then told me he had a 1959 Triumph TR3A roadster, and that it was restored, and all original and correct. It occurred to me that whoever said everything happens for the best may be right, because my brain scan was normal, and on the way home Bob offered me a drive in his Triumph. I jumped at the opportunity.
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