Electric vehicles are suddenly all the rage. Showing one’s “green” credentials is very popular in this low or zero emission age, and in my neighborhood I often see a Tesla with “Zero Emissions” as its license plate, which does give out the message to some of us fossil fuel engine driving types. The aforementioned Tesla make is probably the most high-profile, and possibly the most expensive, but we see them in ever increasing numbers. Perhaps just because they are attractively styled they tend to overshadow the offerings from other manufacturers.
Howden Ganley
A good number of my friends ask me when I am going to buy myself an electric car. Perhaps they think they would like to see me gliding around in such a vehicle, and they are surprised when I inform them that I embraced the technology many years ago, some 15 years ago to be precise. While not as grand as some of the modern high-end offerings, mine is a snappy little two-seater, with fold-down windscreen, just like sports cars from an earlier era. (My father’s MG TF springs to mind.) My vehicle has a modern stepless transmission, four (yes, four) cupholders, comfortable sheepskin-covered seats and plenty of nooks and crannies for all sorts of clothing and accessories.
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