It was a word-of-mouth, invitation-only affair organized by his lovely wife Susie and a friend without Stirling Moss knowing a thing about it. No mean feat, considering about 400 people attended the celebration. How Susie kept the party from her husband I’ll never know, except that all the invitees were sworn to secrecy! But people are not perfect: a word here, a couple of drinks there can often spoil a surprise like that.
Sir Stirling and Lady Suzie Moss.
Even so, Stirling knew nothing of his surprise 60th birthday party as he and Susie strolled into the sumptuous ballroom of The Berkeley Hotel in London on September 4, 1993, to a wildly enthusiastic chorus of applause from the more dignified among us and cat-calls, wolf whistles and other boisterousness from that other faction of the unofficial Stirling Moss fan club.
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