Escort Reprise as Mills leads Cutajar through the countryside. Photo: Samuel Scicluna

VGPF Historic Malta Grand Prix

Mdina, Malta
October 11–12, 2014

Escort Reprise as Mills leads Cutajar through the countryside.Photo: Samuel Scicluna
Escort Reprise as Mills leads Cutajar through the countryside.
Photo: Samuel Scicluna
ÒBigglesÓ raced his Pre-war Citro‘n.Photo: Samuel Scicluna
“Biggles” raced his Pre-war Citroén.Photo: Samuel Scicluna
Giovanni RosiÕs Chevron B16.Photo: Samuel Scicluna
Giovanni Rosi’s Chevron B16.Photo: Samuel Scicluna
Charlie Cutajar leads Mark Mills in a battle of ex-Alan Mann Ford Escorts.Photo: Samuel Scicluna
Charlie Cutajar leads Mark Mills in a battle of ex-Alan Mann Ford Escorts.
Photo: Samuel Scicluna


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