Success for Automobilia Monterey 2010

By Will Silk

Automobilia Monterey 2010One of the many highlights for enthusiasts attending the Monterey Week is the annual Automobilia Monterey event, held August 10-11, 2010 at the Embassy Suites in Seaside, California.

Celebrating its 8th anniversary this year, the focus of Automobilia Monterey has always been to present a place where car collectors can immerse themselves in genuine automobilia, the rare artifacts that manufacturers created to accompany the cars they were racing, selling, or simply enthusiastic about all those years ago.

Today, automobilia has become an entire market in and of its own.  Vintage models and toys of those iconic cars of yesteryear now command top dollar amounts, some into the thousands.  Factory posters and literature are yet another part of the automobilia market that frequently enjoys significant appreciation today.  What Automobilia Monterey offers is the opportunity to deal with the finest vendors in this niche market and to put the collectors mind at ease that what they are buying is a genuine product and not a 21st century reproduction. 

Tony Singer is the driving force behind the Automobilia Monterey event and is President of Spyder Enterprises, from which he operates Vintage Auto Posters (, a company specializing in high quality vintage automotive posters.  Singer reflects on the 2010 show, “Vendor space had been sold out for months with the best selection ever, the economy was weak according to the press, so the only remaining question was attendees.  The response was overwhelming with attendance up over 9% – our best ever!  With visitors spending more time in the room and going through collectible treasures, resultant sales were significantly increased.  Our total contributions to the Monterey Rape Crisis Center rose to $41,500; thanks to attendees, vendors, and the annual silent auction.”

With such a successful event for 2010 now in the past, the future looks bright for this spectacular venue.  Dates for 2011 have been set for August 16, 17 and the location will once again be the Embassy Suites in Seaside, CA.  For more information, go to