In our annual special devoted to the latest trends and developments in personal safety gear we examine:
• The Future of Helmets—The new Snell 2010 standard will change the way you buy helmets.
• Necksavers—The latest developments in SFI-approved head and neck restraint systems.
• Racing Suit Buyers Guide—More than a dozen driver suits geared for the historic racer.
In the early postwar years, drivers began wearing helmets, or “pudding bowls” derived from other pursuits such as horseback riding. Photo: Jay Texter
The Future of Helmets
An Interview with Bell Helmets General Manager Kyle Keitzman (by Casey Annis)
From cloth caps, to the early days of the “pudding bowl” Herbert Johnson, to today’s carbon fiber high-tech wonders, helmet technology—and safety—has seen many advancements over the past 50 years. However, in the coming year, helmet technology will take another step forward as manufacturers begin to sell a new generation of helmets designed to meet the new Snell Foundation 2010 certification standard. This new standard, which incorporates a radical shift in the way that helmets are tested, and therefore constructed, will result in helmets that are both much lighter and much safer than ever before.
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