Dan Gurney, often a force in the Mexican Grand Prix, finished a close 2nd in 1965, holding his Brabham-Climax V-8 within three seconds of Richie Ginther’s winning Honda, which is seen below with teammate Ronnie Bucknum following.
Photo: Pete Lyons / www.petelyons.com
It exploded at me around a blind embankment, big truck, top-heavy, heeling as it hurtled downhill. What its driver saw, way down under his bluff bow, was my little white Volvo 122S hustling uphill just as hard. Obviously, both of us were enthusiasts caught up in the joyous rhythm of driving those deliciously dangerous Mexican mountain bends.
Pete Lyons
Of course, being superb wheelmen at the tops of our games, we found plenty of room, whole inches of it, and were by each other in a flash, untouched. Thus the moment would have quickly fled my mind—except that on that typically gaudy third-world vehicle’s front bumper I had spotted a saucy slogan. Hand-painted in bold Gothic letters it read:
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