I recently had one of those “milestone events” that if a man is really lucky, might happen just once or twice in his lifetime. A week or so ago, I awoke on a Sunday morning realizing that one of the first Grands Prix of the season was on television. Now, while I have virtually sworn off watching Formula One for the past season or two, I figured with all the new rules the start of the season might hold some surprises…like hopefully passing and some semblance of excitement!
Casey Annis Editor
So I flicked on the tube and started watching the race when my three-year-old, Abigail, walked into the room, took one look at the TV and said, “Ooh, racing, can I watch with you, Daddy?” and proceeded to nestle her little jammy-clad body onto my lap. Moments later my wife walked in, took one look at my watery eyes and wanted to know who died!
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