Lingotto: Fiat’s Amazing rooftop test track

Fiat built a high-speed test track on its factory's 8th story roof; what could possibly go wrong?

A proving ground like no other

Automotive factory proving grounds and test tracks are like Disneyland – the fun is varied and never-ending.  Even the work feels like car play.  Every carmaker has these facilities, and they are as varied as the planets in our solar system.  Many of them are large sprawling properties that pack a variety of test tracks, road surfaces, crash test facilities, hot and cold testing areas, into a hundred acres, or in some cases, hundreds of acres.  These facilities allow test drivers and engineers to run cars in development under a variety of conditions – high speed, low speed, rough road, or no road, to shake out (sometimes literally) any engineering foibles in the design, all in the safety of a controlled facility free of kids crossing the street and law enforcement.  Not to mention in the privacy needed to keep next year’s new model a secret from the media and competition.

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