Valletta Grand Prix Classic Car Event 2011

Valleta Grand Prix 2011The third Valletta Grand Prix event will be held 16-22 May, 2011 in the city of Valletta in the Southern European country of Malta. This event is the only one of its kind staged entirely around Valletta’s ring road.
The five-day Valletta Grand Prix Classic Car Event 2011 will commence on the evening of Monday 16th May. From Tuesday 17th to Friday 20th May a series of pre-main event activities will be held, culminating with the Concours d’Elegance on Friday afternoon. The main timed sprint runs and demonstration runs will be held throughout Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd May. The Valletta Grand Prix Classic Car Event 2011 comes to a close following a presentation dinner on the Sunday night. The fine details of the 2011 programme is currently being finalised and will shortly be uploaded on the VGPF website
The 2010 event attracted a mix of over 70 local and foreign participants. From the encouraging response and interest received so far from both foreign and local prospective participants, Valletta Grand Prix Classic Car Event 2011 feels that this year’s participation level will increase to some 100 local and foreign cars. The 2011 Entry Forms together with the Technical Guidelines are already online. Prospective participants are recommended to register early.
For more information, visit
[Source: Valletta Grand Prix]