Ferrari 250 GT LWB Berlinetta 'Tour de France' Richard Michael Owen
Ferrari 250 GT LWB Berlinetta \'Tour de France\'

McCall Motorworks Revival 2017 – Photo Gallery

The McCall Motorworks Revival 2017 was held Wednesday, August 16th at the Monterey Jet Center in Monterey, California. Gordon McCall’s 26th annual Motorworks Revival event and charitable fundraiser provided guests with a taste of everything — classic cars and motorcycles, private and military aircraft, food and wine, coupled with the latest offerings from top luxury brands and automakers.

Among some impressive hardware that included a Ferrari 250 GT LWB Berlinetta ‘Tour de France’ and a Gulf Mirage M2, a favorite was one of the four Datsun 510 Baja Sedans that Peter Brock’s BRE team raced at the 1969 Mexican 1000. These sedans were reportedly the fastest cars in their class but failed to win because of weak McPherson strut suspension bushings. Only the whereabouts of one of the original three cars is known and it was in all its original glory at the 2017 McCall Motorworks Revival.

Another interesting entry was the Jaguar E-Type that was fitted in period with a 7-liter V8 engine from a Ford Galaxie for its owner, Rob Beck. With imposing larger tires and Ferrari GTO-style air ducts, the Jaguar ‘E-Gal’ was successfully raced in period by Barrie ‘Whizzo’ Williams, among others.

Charity is a major focus of the McCall Motorworks event, with the California Highway Patrol’s 11-99 Foundation as the beneficiary of Gordon’s year-long campaigning and vision for the annual bash. Annually, the generosity of this group has resulted in a six-figure total for the California Highway Patrol 11-99 charity.

Similar to 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, Sports Car Digest also documented the McCall Motorworks Revival 2017, with Richard Michael Owen highlighting the annual slice of Monterey Classic Car Week.

McCall Motorworks Revival 2017 – Photo Gallery (photos: Richard Michael Owen)


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