Given this issue’s focus on safety equipment, and knowing that most of our readers possess at least an appreciation for ultra-sophisticated exotic cars, we thought it appropriate to bring you up to speed (as it were) with this site offering photos with cautionary captions of various exotic cars that have met nefarious ends in the hands of unwitting drivers who managed to exceed the laws of physics while at the helm. Some of those drivers survived, and some did not.
Among the various features is a listing of the top 10 crashes by speed—as opposed to devastation—so topping the list is the infamous pre-dawn crash of a Ferrari Enzo on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, California, with an ESC (estimated speed of crash) of 196mph(!) that’s billed as “the world’s highest known crash speed on open roads.” As you will see, several other accidents generated much greater levels of destruction at somewhat lower speeds, so there are no doubt lessons lurking there for everyone to learn. Just be happy they don’t have your car.
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