Hampton Court Palace Concours Aerial
Hampton Court Palace Concours Aerial

Club Trophy Awarded at 2014 Hampton Court Concours

A new Club Trophy will be featured at the 2014 Concours of Elegance, scheduled for 5-7 September at the Hampton Court Palace on the Thames in Greater London. The debut Club Trophy will be presented to the best car to have won its own car club Concours earlier in 2014, in recognition of the spirit and dedication of car club owners, and their support of the grassroots Concours movement in the UK.

Each of the major car clubs in the UK has been invited to send the winning cars from their own car clubs’ Concours events along to Hampton Court Palace in September, to be then judged for the Club Trophy on Saturday 6 September. The Royal Automobile Club will be coordinating the judging for this new prize.

The overall ‘Best of the Best’ Club Trophy winner will be named the British ‘Historic Car of the Year.’ In addition to being awarded the Club Trophy, the overall winner will also automatically be one of the 60 cars to be entered into the line-up for the 2015 Concours of Elegance event, to be held at an as-yet specified British Royal Palace.

More than 350 cars from each of the major British car clubs will be displayed within the grounds of Hampton Court Palace on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 September, including a number of each club’s Concours-winning vehicles. These cars will be displayed within a dedicated area, adjacent to the Concours.

Car clubs wishing to submit a member’s Concours winning car for consideration should also make contact with the Concours of Elegance through Iain Campbell at [email protected], or via the event website.

The 2014 Concours of Elegance at Hampton Court Palace will be open to the public on Saturday 6 September and Sunday 7 September, with adult entry tickets available to purchase from Saturday 1 March from £25 per person per day. For additional information or to purchase tickets, visit ConcoursofElegance.com.

[Source: Concours of Elegance]