Vintage Festival at Lime Rock 2009 – Results and Photos

The 2009 Vintage Festival at Lime Rock was held September 5-7th, 2009 at Lime Rock Park in Lakeville, Connecticut. The 27th annual Vintage Festival produced another great weekend of racing, with 13 races in total and a large field of more than 270 historic entries.

This year’s Vintage Festival saw many changes, including the addition of Murray Smith as the Event Chairman and Organizer and the Vintage Sports Car Club

of America (VSCCA) as the sanctioning body. Additional highlights included Smith running demonstration laps in the Mercedes-Benz W154 Silver Arrow GP car (photo gallery coming soon), while parade laps at lunchtime for Morgans, Minis and more also entertained the crowds.

“We really wanted to give the fans as much as possible during this weekend,” Skip Barber said. “The Collier Collection cars were fabulous, the Midway was a fun and busy place to be – and I really want to thank Mother Nature for her full cooperation this week!”

Even Organizer Murray Smith added, “Lime Rock’s vintage fans are knowledgeable and appreciative, and that’s a big part of what made this weekend so wonderful. Goodness, there were more than 700 cars entered into Sunday’s car show! That should tell you something about the fans here, wouldn’t you say?”

Click for complete results: 2009 Vintage Festival at Lime Rock Race Results

2009 Vintage Festival at Lime Rock Photo Gallery (click image for larger picture and description)