Special Exhibition at Porsche Museum

Ferry Porsche with Porsche 356 B CoupéThe Museum of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, is honoring the 100th birthday of Ferdinand Anton Ernst “Ferry“ Porsche (1909-1998) with a Special Exhibition.

Starting today, September 19th (Ferry Porsche’s 100th birthday) through October 31st, 2009 the Museum is presenting seven of Ferry Porsche’s personal cars, among them three “Birthday Cars“ he received from his employees. A further highlight being shown for the first time is a Porsche 356/2 Keibl Cabriolet with which Ferry Porsche started series production of his sports cars in 1948. Photos never published before as well as personal documents and belongings from the Corporate Archive also offer the visitor a new insight into the far-reaching activities of Ferry Porsche as a businessman and private individual.

Porsche’s story of success as a manufacturer of sports cars would be inconceivable without the lifetime achievement of Ferry Porsche. It was under his guidance that the Construction Office run by his father Ferdinand became an independent car maker presenting the Type 356 in 1948 as the first sports car to bear the name Porsche. As the Managing Director and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Ferry Porsche guided the Company for no less than five decades in becoming one of the world’s most significant manufacturers of sporting premium cars.

The Porsche Museum is open Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. For more information, visit www.porsche.com/museum.

[Source: Porsche AG]