Volkswagen recently sent out a press release announcing that production of the iconic T2 VW Bus would soon be coming to an end. Huh? Volkswagen is/was still making the ultimate Baby-Boomer, Hippie-wagen?
As VW aficionados will be well aware, despite being discontinued long ago, VW Beetles and Transporters (nee buses), continued to be manufactured in Brazil, where they have made up a large proportion of that country’s fleet of vehicles. Apparently, Brazil has instituted new safety regulations, which will mandate anti-lock brakes and air bags, so VW is discontinuing production of the old T2 bus, effective Dec. 31. Sort of makes sense when you think about it. No amount of electronic aids will ever make a passenger safe in a vehicle where the driver serves as the first deformable crash structure in the front end of the car!
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