It’s amazing the things you can find when you’re not looking. Such was the case a year ago, when I spent a month in England promoting VRJ. One of the highlights of my visit was an excursion to Hethel in East Anglia with our European Editor Ed McDonough to visit the operations of Classic Team Lotus. Our plan was to interview its founder and guiding force, Clive Chapman. Who would have known that we would have stumbled across one of the most interesting and virtually unknown racecars ever built by Clive’s father, Colin Chapman.
Ed’s and my adventure in Lotus history’s “Lost & Found” began with the challenge of getting to Classic Team Lotus. Located in the rolling countryside outside of Norwich, the Lotus industrial complex is hidden away by a bewildering collection of single-lane country roads. Clive usually sends visitors two sets of directions: the fast way and the easy way. I’m not sure which we got!
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