With the scenic Nassau cruiseship port in the background, Mikel Willims takes his 1955 Maserati 200S for a warm-up lap around the Arawak Cay circuit.
Photo: Casey Annis
Local Bahamian physician Pablo de Souza attacks the Fort Charlotte hillclimb in his 427 Cobra replica. Photo: Casey Annis
bahamas speed week REVIVAL 2013
Over the past 10-20 years, the collector car community has seen a number of “destination events” spring up. Whether a road race, a rally, a concours or a driving tour, these destination events usually share the intoxicating mix of significant cars, interesting or exotic locales, great food and wine and lots of driving or racing. However, a mere handful of these events can encompass an additional dimension—a direct connection to some significant racing history. Events like the Mille Miglia Storica in Italy, the Goodwood Revival in England and the Tour Auto in France, all have become world-class automotive events, founded around a significant slice of racing history. On the surface, each stands as a great automotive event that any enthusiast would love to take part in, but when you add in the “Walter Mitty” factor of being able to enjoy a luxurious automotive vacation, while playing like you are Fangio or Moss, well that makes these events all the more special.
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