Ford Galaxie 500
Ford Galaxie 500

2024 Goodwood Revival

“Give me Goodwood on a summer's day, and you can keep the rest” - Roy Salvadori

In a world where time-travel is still far from reality, the next best solution can be found on the South coast of England in early September. As the curtains draw to a close on the English Summer, one last hurrah exists in the most evocative and atmospheric racing event on the planet.

Thousands upon thousands flock to the Goodwood race circuit in West Sussex, on the estate of Goodwood House, home to the Duke of Richmond, where on the site of an airfield, an unassuming 2.4 mile track becomes a Mecca for nostalgia-driven race fans. Celebrating the glorious years of racing held on the circuit in-period between 1948 and 1966, where the circuit regularly held prestigious races, including non-championship Formula One races, and the Goodwood Nine Hours endurance races for sports cars of the time.

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