During the 1970s, John Greenwood’s “Stars and Stripes” Corvettes showcased Chevrolet’s growing dominance in international racing, keeping the American Sports...
Watch Jules Gounon (a French professional driver) manhandle the 750 horsepower Greenwood Corvette at the Classic 24 at Daytona in...
Hellé Nice Howden Ganley Keke Rosberg Bill Vukovich 1 John Greenwood drives a Greenwood Corvette to victory in the IMSA sports car race at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida, USA (1974). 2 Leo Mehl named to head the Indy Racing League (1996). No Subscription? You’re missing out Get...
Greenwood Corvettes Dear Editor, I commend you and John Zimmermann on your Greenwood article “Twisting in the Wind,” your research...
April 2009 OttoVú By Tony Adriaensens While I have said it before, thank God for obsessive enthusiasts—they always produce the...