“Who painted this D-Type red?” was my thought when I first laid eyes on this legendary machine. Most of the...
In the 1940s, Chrysler Corporation’s Dodge division had a reputation for building solid, dependable, conservatively styled cars. That was fine,...
China has contributed many great things to the world throughout the ages. Gunpowder, paper, printing, the umbrella and the compass are among their many contributions to society, however Chinese luxury automobile manufacturing is not on most historian’s lists. Most people, including many car enthusiasts, are unaware of the fact that...
Photo Gallery from the Oct. 13–14, 2018, VSCDA Blackhawk Octoberfest at Blackhawk Farms Raceway, in South Beloit, IL. [button link=”https://sportscardigest.com//vscda-blackhawk-octoberfest-subscriber-photo-gallery/” color=”blue”]Subscribers...
Subscriber Photo Gallery from the Oct. 13–14, 2018, VSCDA Blackhawk Octoberfest at Blackhawk Farms Raceway, in South Beloit, IL. No Subscription?...
Blackhawk Farms, South Beloit, IL June 14–16, 2012 No Subscription? You’re missing out Get immediate ad-free access to all our premium content. Get Started Already a Member? Sign in to your account here....
Tim McGrane is the Executive Director of the Blackhawk Automotive Museum in Danville, California. VR: How did you get started...
I’ve always liked Blackhawk Farms Raceway, a track not everybody knows about. It’s in Illinois, right on the border with...