Following the demise of motor racing during the Second World War years, there were those enthusiastic individuals, at a very...
More than 80 years ago, two fabulously wealthy young American brothers, accompanied by their butler, flew a primitive plywood-based biplane...
Frank Raymond Wilton “Lofty” England was not head and shoulders above many other men just because he was 6 ft 5 ins (196 cm) tall. He was also an amazing blend of racing motorcyclist, rally driver, bomber pilot, racing car engineer, race strategist and Jaguar’s chairman and CEO. But the...
Whitney Straight Biography Because of modern commercial, testing and fitness demands placed on current drivers many have decried the current...
Tazio Nuvolari Whitney Straight 5 Roy Thomas, designer of Titan formula racers, dies of complications from lung cancer (2001). 6...
Derek Bell Gaston Chevrolet 2 The Mercury division of the Ford Motor Company holds a press conference in Carmel, California, to announce the formation of the Bud Moore Mercury Cougar Trans-Am series racing team (1966). 3 F1 and sports car racer Derek Daly is born (1953). No Subscription? You’re missing...
Whitney Straight Biography Because of modern commercial, testing and fitness demands placed on current drivers many have decried the current...
Ronnie Bucknum Jim Clark 2 Mike Hailwood is born (1940). 3 Mario Andretti becomes the first American to win a...